About the Journal

Peer review process

One characteristic of articles submitted for publication is that they are unpublished, meaning they have not been published in any other medium. The Editorial Board will select, based on the focus and theme of the article, two blind reviewers or anonymous judges to continue the evaluation process. If one reviewer approves the publication and the other does not, the article will be sent to a third evaluator. The opinions and concepts expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The results of the evaluation process will be communicated to the authors in writing. Only digital originals will be accepted, not paper copies. The Editorial Board is not responsible for unpublished works and is not obliged to correspond with the authors about selection decisions. Similarly, if the reviewers demand modifications, it will be up to the author to decide whether to continue with the correction process or to ignore the judges' observations.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps promote greater global exchange of knowledge.